5 Ways to Jumpstart the New Year as a Single Mom

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The new year is here and you may find yourself still trying to get it together... Calm down. Breathe. You still have time.  Here are five tips to help:

Plan & Schedule Your Day

Studies have shown that your day is much more effective when you have it planned out.  Make sure every hour is accountable for.  Lately, I've been studying successful people and one thing that they all have in common is scheduling their day and making routines that they actually stick to.  Don't worry.  It won't happen overnight but you can give it a try.

Journal first thing in the morning or before you go to bed

Journaling allows you to dump your brain.  It also gives you a place to reflect. You are literally releasing emotions on paper.  Some say it gets the creative juices flowing.  Journaling also makes you more accountable in terms of reaching your goals. 

Read more

Reading has so many benefits.  I'm a sucker for self-help books. It's always good to feed our brain.  I always preach that you can learn so much by picking up a book and reading.

Stop procrastinating and set realistic expectations

If you are anything like me, you say you're going to do something and put it off for whatever reason.  Maybe you don't put it off... Maybe you just have too many things on your list.  Realize what's important and what you can actually get done.  Don't beat yourself up about not being able to accomplish every single thing on your list.  It is okay. I promise.

Practice self-care and put you at the top of your to-do-list

Take time for you, whether it's first thing in the morning or after your child goes to bed.  If you don't take care of you, how do you expect to take care of your child? How do you expect to pour into someone else if you are empty?  We do so much on a daily basis that  the truth is we can easily get burned out and burn out can cause us to start fussing at the kids for no reason.  I'm guilty.  My daughter loves to talk and I can easily say, "please be quiet" because I need that time alone.  Whether we realize it or not, negative energy transfers over into our kids. As much as we want to be supermom, we are not. It is very important to allow ourselves some time alone to re-energize. What does self-care look like? Maybe it's being able to read a book alone, a nice long bubble bath, or having a spa day with a friend on a Saturday.. Whatever it is, plan it out, and make it happen. YOU deserve it.

What are some things that you have done to jumpstart the new year?  Let me know below.


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