How I Meal Plan and Prep as a Busy Single Mom to Save Money and Time
As a single mom, I found myself in the kitchen for 1-2 hours a day after getting off work and by the time I finished helping my daughter with homework, doing an activity together, giving her a bath, and taking a shower myself - I’d be worn out. Some days, I would have after work meetings or calls so I immediately thought I’d just pick up something in the drive through because it’s easy and sometimes cheap - hello Wendy’s 4 for $4. How many of you can relate?

How to Use Groupon to Get Quality Photos for Less
If you are anything like me, you have been procrastinating about getting professional photos (outside of the commercial studios like Walmart, Sears, Portrait Innovations, etc.) done of you and your child. My daughter is almost five and I realized that we didn't have any professional photos of us together or any to start the site with. I should be ashamed!! I decided to make it happen this year before Christmas, without breaking the bank.